Learn with Taylor
We want you to feel confident in your fertility choices, by getting the information you need.
Learn with Taylor
We want you to feel confident in your fertility choices, by getting the the information you need at different parts of your journey.
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Freezing Your Eggs

A guide to common egg freezing mistakes and how to avoid them. Having walked this path myself and guided numerous others through it, I've gained valuable insights into the common pitfalls and crucial decisions that shape the egg freezing experience.

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Fertility Testing: Key Things to Know

As we journey through life, our perspective on our reproductive health can evolve from not actively considering it to realizing that it's something we can't take for granted. This awareness underscores the significance of fertility testing. At its core, ovarian reserve, a concept as simple as keeping track of the eggs in your ovaries, becomes an important aspect to consider.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Breaking It Down

Women with PCOS experience a hormonal imbalance that prevents the release of an egg from the ovaries each month. A metabolic disease, PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility. In the following article, we will explore the complexities of PCOS, including its diagnosis, symptoms, potential implications on fertility, and the available treatments.

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Am I Too Young to Think About Egg Freezing?

What is the ideal age to start thinking about egg freezing? In this article, you'll explore the optimal time to consider egg freezing and why it's an increasingly popular choice among women in their late 20s and early 30s.

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Birth Control and Egg Freezing

As we explore egg freezing, some of us may want to know if we need to stop using birth control. In this article, we're breaking down the different birth control types, how they might affect your egg freezing plans, and why chatting with a fertility pro is your best move.

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Egg Freezing - How Much Of A Guarantee Is It?

What are the chances that we will successfully have a baby if we freeze our eggs? The biggest factors are the number of eggs frozen and the age that we froze our eggs, which will determine the successful journey from an egg to a baby.

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Navigating Egg Freezing: A Guide to Policies and Financing in Singapore

Since the legalisation of egg freezing in Singapore in July 2023, we've been getting queries on government subsidies, age requirements and insurance coverage for egg freezing in Singapore. Get help navigating Singapore's unique landscape with this article.

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What Exactly is Egg Freezing?

What is the process of egg freezing, and how much does it cost? At what age should you freeze your eggs, and how many eggs will you get? In this article, we cover the 101 of egg freezing, so you know to expect.

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